Can't keep the heat inside?
818-436-3210 CALL FOR SERVICE 818-436-3210
About us


Count on our team! From cleaning to insulation - We've got you covered!

About us

Fast, Affordable And Sturdy! That’s Our Motto!

When it comes to attic cleaning and insulation, our team really knows our stuff! From crawl space decontamination to rodent proofing and more. All your needs can be met by our highly skilled technicians.

Additional Services

Our services don’t stop at cleaning! We also perform insulation installation, removals, replacements, radiant barrier installations, attic and crawl space decontamination, cleaning and sealing services, rodent proofing and even professional air duct cleaning services.

You can be sure our team is ready and able to help you whip your attic into top shape!

How We Keep Our Prices So Low

Our reputation precedes us and even though people only need to fix their attic once every few years, we are always busy. In fact, we haven’t needed to consider ‘down-time’ when calculating our prices in years!

Because so many people in California value our services, we can afford to value their pockets too.  

Why You Should Call Us Now

If you haven’t had your attic inspected for a few years, if your attic insulation is more than 7 years old or if you suspect your attic might need attention, you should call us quickly. Our technicians are always ready to assist and provide the best services and solutions for your situation.

Water Damage In Your Roof

If there is any water damage in your roof, mold can quickly take hold. If left unchecked, mold will decay your insulation, damage your roof’s internal structure and worst of all, can spread down through the ceiling, walls or even through your ventilation system. It can even cause long term lung illnesses, fatigue, headaches and breathing difficulties for people living and working inside the building. And you’d be surprised how fast dangerous mold can spread!  From fiberglass to rockwool, from cotton to cellulose batts and blankets, our technicians can help you decide what insulation will provide the best solution for your needs, as well as completely decontaminate your attic from any potentially health risking contaminants. 

Contact our experts at Attic Cleaning Burbank today.

What are you waiting for?

Professional team

10 years of experience

Affordable solutions

Fast service


Have any questions? We are here to help! Leave your contact information down below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


With our team at your service, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. You can count on our professionals for outstanding quality and perfect results!

How can we help?
Select Date and time
Feb 16, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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The appointment is set!

Thank you for choosing our company to take care of your attic! Until our appointment, browse our website for blogs, tips, FAQ and more!