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Count on our team! From cleaning to insulation - We've got you covered!


Everything you need to know about attic cleaning and insulation

Our team can help you with any problems you might have concerning your attic. Have a look at our FAQ page if you have any questions.

Will having a dog or a cat reduce the chance of an infestation?

Your dog and cat will definitely react to the presence of a rodent in the house. They become irritable and distressed and try to protect their territory. Pawing under appliances or anywhere they suspect a critter is hiding behind, sniffing and generally behaving unusual are all surefire signs that your pet detected an unwanted invader. They might catch a few micehere and there and kill them, but they won't be able to get rid of an entire nest or eliminate an infestation. However, they may be a deterrent that will reduce the likelihood of rodents choosing to invade your home.

Are strange attic odors something to worry about?

Yes, definitely! Unpleasant odors that seep through your attic can often be caused by a pest infestation, but mold and mildew may also be a problem. Complete attic cleaning by a professional service like ours, followed by proper ventilation, is required to get completely rid of the problem. Don't let odors and poor air quality in your home spoil your living environment. Deal with a dirty attic today by giving our specialists a call.

How can I remove mold from my attic?

Make sure to deal with mold ASAP because it can decompose building materials, aggravate existing respiratory problems, cause allergies and more! We don’t recommend removing it on your own because the spores can easily spread throughout the house and cause health problems for anyone inhaling the air. Instead, call a team of professionals who can prevent that scenario with the use of special tools and equipment.

Why should I replace the existing attic insulation?

After a pest infestation, the contaminated insulation simply must be removed if you want your attic to be properly disinfected and cleaned. If the insulation you have is damaged or inadequate, it will only cause energy waste and reduce insulating efficiency. And last, but not the least, modern insulation materials, better vapor barriers and improved application techniques are simply more efficient!

Do I really need to get rid of rats?

In a nutshell, YES! Let me put it like this: either you get rid of them or you risk putting your loved ones (and yourself) in danger of getting sick. In addition to them carrying various diseases, they also chew on electrical cables and that can lead to house fires.


Have any questions? We are here to help! Leave your contact information down below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


With our team at your service, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. You can count on our professionals for outstanding quality and perfect results!

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Oct 22, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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Thank you for choosing our company to take care of your attic! Until our appointment, browse our website for blogs, tips, FAQ and more!