How Can Insulation Benefit You?
If your energy bill is painful to look at already, and only seems to be getting worse, chances are it’s due to your attic’s insulation. The wrong amount for your area can leave you stuck with heat and air conditioning that runs far more than they should. The warm air you’re paying for is escaping out of the attic, rather than being trapped inside. As for the AC, it’s far harder to keep your home’s temperature stable, which also costs you.
We Can Give You A Hand!
Our professionals would be happy to help you get started on investing in better insulation to cut those energy costs down the line. They’ll work with you to decide on what type is best for your home, be it fiberglass, cellulose, or otherwise. Fiberglass is less messy and fire-resistant, but it’s also itchy. Cellulose is green-friendly, and can be treated to resist flames as well. Whatever you decide on, we’ll be able to easily and safely get it installed before you know it.
Another extremely important factor that we’ll assist you with is what’s called the R-Value. This essentially means how much insulation is needed for your attic, given the type of weather that’s usual in the area. Colder climates need more, or a higher R-Value. Warmer temperatures require the opposite.
Thankfully, our experts have been working on houses just like yours in Burbank for years. They’ll be able to quickly and skillfully determine the amount needed to ensure that you’re not losing any more money from leaking air, or more insulation than is necessary. Then, they’ll set about installing it using the best materials and tools available, so you can rest assured that the job’s done right. It’ll be ready before you know it, and fit to last!
What Are You Waiting For?
It’s time to invest in a far kinder energy bill in the future! Take the first step now, and reach out to our expert team at Attic Cleaning Burbank. We also perform professional attic and crawl space cleaning and decontamination, so give us a call for any related need. We’re ready when you are!